Scientific Letter N°15

Traditional methods for synthesis of quinolines

In the health context that we have all experienced throughout 2020 and beginning of 2021, our team had and managed to adapt to these new working conditions and ensured the achievement of your projects. In 2020, 85% of contracts were delivered on time, despite a very specific context.
We fully appreciate the efforts you had to make yourself to maintain your R&D projects and we are proud to have been able to participate alongside you in the synthesis of these new chemical entities, some of which meet the challenges to be taken up in the fight against COVID.
You have trusted us during this period, and we are delighted to announce the new arrival of three chemists who have joined our team : Dr. Thibaut Martinez, Anthony Dupont and Dr. Thomas Glachet. They enrich us with their experiences in chemical synthesis and reinforce our expertise in organic synthesis of small molecules and in the isolation and identification of impurities.
You can find all the latest news from our company by consulting our website or on our linkedIn page. And we look forward to seeing you on May 27th, 2021 at 3 p.m. for the next webinar presented by our scientific director Prof. Jacques Lebreton entitled ” La chimie du noyau isoquinoléine à travers des travaux récents “.

In the meantime, we invite you to read our new scientific letter “Traditional methods for synthesis of quinolines”.

Enjoy the reading,

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