Scientific Letter N°2


Several months have gone by since the beginning of the adventure AtlanChim Pharma and a significant complementarity of services keeps on being confirmed. Indeed the respective activities of AtlanChim Pharma and Atlantic Bone Screen come within the personalized approach of supporting companies from pharmaceutical, cosmetics, agrochemical and biotech industry in their phases of research and development.
AtlanChim Pharma intervenes in the phase of active molecules research proposing an expertise in chemical synthesis of complex molecules. Atlantic Bone Screen plays its role in the selection of the molecules synthesized in the field of cancer research and bone and joint diseases proposing a wide range of relevant in vitro and in vivo tests.
On a human scale, this duality is also proven by 4 chemistry-biology teams: 4 chemists and 4 biologists represent the complementarity of human professional skills within the Group (cf description of a chemistry-biology team). Besides the chemists of AtlanChim Pharma, in the same way as Professor Jacques Lebreton and Doctor André Guingant (Scientific Directors), illustrate the continuity of AtlanChim know-how and expertise. Both teams represent your ideal partner in the optimization, development and validation of your compounds.

Elisabeth PORCHER
Votre lien privilégié vers la chimie et la biologie

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